Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I HATE answering the door... when it's cold.

I'm working. I'm messaging away on my laptop and the speaker phone is full of mixed personalities discussing the day's business. I take a big drink of coffee. The door bell rings. Coffee shoots out my nose.

I can't run upstairs without being detected by the visitor (whomever it is) to put on more clothes, and the dog has already run out front to announce that we're home. I check myself out in the mirror in my office. It's noon. I'm wearing pajamas and a ribbed tank top. No bra. NO BRA!!!!! Gah, I hate answering the stupid door.

Arms folded out in front of me, I muddled through an unexpected visit (and lunged for my yoga jacket from the coat closet at the soonest opportunity). I need a better plan than this. If I'm going to be lazy all day and not get dressed, I at least need some backup clothes stashed in a drawer or shelf nearby.


  1. Hahahahaha super cute post! I do the exact same thing! And you know if it was someone you actually wanted to see, they would have called in advance.

  2. Thanks Chris, I agree completely! :)


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