Friday, May 18, 2012

Eye Candy - The Fast Path to Wealth and Happiness?

Scenario: Yet another colorful conversation with my girlfriend Bubba. She (still) calls me Bubba Jr. and insists on dispensing her worldly wisdom to me from goodness knows where... 

Her: Oh Bubba Jr. you are not smart...
Me: ...(rolling eyes)...
Her: You need to dye your hair blonde. And marry a CEO.
Me: That is ridiculous! What does being eye candy have to do with making it in life? And why marry a CEO when I can carry my damn self?
Her: You are so stubborn. Why do you always do things the hard way?

Um hello, side note! Bubba know's I'm already married and still suggests crazy things (mostly) in jest. Though my husband might be glad to unload me and all that drama - it's too late. He's already stuck with me. :)

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