Saturday, November 12, 2011

Seeing Red...

Coco ChanelCoco Chanel once said, "Show me a man of originality, and I will show you a liar." Fact.

So if the empress of fashion willingly admits that all creatives are often inspired and pay homage to each other, I can certainly admit that I want to bite off so many of the great Fall/Winter trends. Case in point? Everything red.

Note to self (and everyone else): Go on, girl! Be bold. Even a scarlet lip spells out b-a-d-a-s-s.


  1. i LOVE red lipstick and i've always wanted a little red dress. :)

  2. I agree! The trick for me was finding the type of red that suits me best. Red-orange? No. Red-pink? So so. Turns out Red-blue is my thing. :)


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