Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What kids learn in school...

Scenario: A discussion with my girlfriend Bubba, who is a crazed working mother of three growing boys.

Bubba: So my middle child called 9-1-1 today and really freaked me out.
Me: Goodness, is he okay? What happened?
Bubba: I was yelling at him, and in school his teacher told him to call 9-1-1 if he was being abused. Little shit! I had to convince the police it was an accident.
Me: I see...
Bubba: I am so stressed out! Calgon take them away!
Me: You mean, "Calgon, take me away?"
Bubba: No, it's them. I want Calgon to take THEM away. I have to go. My kids are really quiet. I think they're trying to burn the house down...


  1. That is funny. Poor lady. I will come take her kids away and smack them around a bit. LOL

  2. Ha! Kids that are home for summer break have nothing but time to cause a stir. :) Love it!


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