Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Music of the moment: Keepin' it real

Iron and Wine - Boy with a Coin
This song sounds like a beautiful Bee Gees ballad with a classic twist. I really dig the flamenco dancers and their similarity to the chicks from old Robert Palmer videos. Great, great song.

Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 Life
Lots of songs are reminders to seize the day and to live each day with meaning, blah, blah, blah. This is one of those songs, but it  in addition to reminding us just how fleeing life can be, it also brings forward glimpses of the simple, uncomplicated days that you wish would never end.

Ke$ha - We R who we R
This is such a fantastic anthem to just be who you are. Yes you have a freak flag and filthy, ratted hair. You're still loud and proud though, right? As for me and my gnarly mane, that's a big fat yes!

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