Friday, January 09, 2009

P.S. I love you - The Shawshank of Chick Flicks.

Two Lexapro's and a box of tissues later, I was pissed at myself for having enough stamina to watch that entire P.S. I Love you movie on HBO. Such joy-luck-crap-flicks should come with a warning label that reads:

Chick Warning! Watching this flick may produce undesired side effects which include: tears, nightmares, sadness, inflammation of existing PMS symptoms, a craving for salty chocolate bon bons and more tears.

It is highly recommended that you only watch it once and discard it to someone else who will undoubtedly go spinning into a downward depression.

Watching this flick with an insensitive male is not recommended. Anger, bitchiness and punching him in the face could result.

Now playing: Madonna - Like It or Not
via FoxyTunes

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