Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Attending a happy hour that is organized at the absolute last minute to catch up with old girlfriends is always entertaining. Everybody is bubbly, energetic and light. Amidst the wine and lettuce wraps, we male bashed, drank some more and agreed on how to best proceed hooking up friends on blind dates. i.e. We verbally exchanged profiles of our single, dateless but not desperate friends.

Me: So, I've got to put a few feelers out there for my friends working the singles circuit...
Girl 1: Okay, shoot!
Me: I have some single guy friends. They're really cool.
Girl 2: Hey! I have a single girlfriend that's looking. Let's trade!
Me: Okay, totally! They're smart, funny and have good jobs.
Girl 2: Are they tall? She likes 'em tall.
Me: Yes, one of them is.
Girl 2: Is he hot? Is he a rocker type? Is he trendy? Is he fashionable?
Me (baffled): Um, I dunno. He's very laid back, funny and personable.
Girl 3: You'd describe him as personable? Honey, we're nurses. That's not what we do.
Girl 2: That's not who we do.

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